In 1987, the infamous ex-Nazi Rudolf Hess appeared to be on the verge of being freed from Spandau Prison after more than four decades of incarceration. However, he died beforehand, supposedly by self-asphyxiation with an electrical cord. Afterward, researchers began to speculate that Hess’s death wasn’t suicide…it was murder.
The Mysterious Death of Rudolf Hess?
But why would someone want to murder Rudolf Hess so long after the end of World War II? One possibility involves the bizarre 1941 flight to Scotland that got Rudolf Hess imprisoned in the first place. This flight was apparently part of a “peace mission.” Rudolf Hess proposed a non-aggression pact between Great Britain and Germany, which would free up the Nazis to invade Russia.
Now, some believe there was a faction of the British government who was prepared to negotiate peace with Nazi Germany. In order to keep Rudolf Hess from revealing their identities, they decided to kill him before he could be released.
Guerrilla Explorer’s Analysis
Of course, this is just speculation. We can’t even be certain how Hess died. However, a recently declassified report has poked holes in the suicide theory. This lends some credence to the idea that Hess was indeed murdered (or at the very least, assisted in his suicide attempt). Here’s more on the mysterious death of Rudolf Hess from The Daily Mail:
A declassified report has revealed for the first time the stark scene in which Hitler’s deputy Rudolph Hess was said to have killed himself at a fortified compound in Berlin, and his alleged suicide note.
Pictures, which had not been published until now, show the electrical cord Hess allegedly used to end his life inside a small summerhouse at Spandau Prison 25 years ago this month.
But the report of the investigation into Hess’s death, released this week under Freedom of Information, has only deepened the mystery surrounding his final moments…